Alek Nagari

Alek Nagari is usually held once a year in order to strengthen the rah of the leaders of the niniak mamak traditional leaders, ranging from pengulu, datuak, katik, alim ulama, bundo kanduang etc. to start the event.

The Alek Nagari event will be served traditional cuisine, such as grandfather curry, Randang Dagiang Kabau, Samba Wednesday, Lado Mudo Patai, Lamang, Galamai, and Typical Lawang Culinary, and also in Arak Arak with Tambua and Silek Arts, this event was attended by the entire village community. Lawang, and eat Bajamba together.

And usually in the evening there will be performances of art, Silek, Tambua, Talempong, Traditional Dance, and Basaluang, to entertain the people of Lawang Village.

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