Dikia Rabano is a traditional art in Minangkabau that combines badikia and badikian (reading stories). This art is often held on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SWT. Usually this tradition is held in mosques where the dikia craftsman tells tales and stories about the Safis and Islamic figures.
This Badikia tradition is usually held at night. When carrying out the Prophet’s birthday, this tradition is carried out by the dikia craftsman who is generally the oldest in the village. This badikia tells various stories with Islamic interpretations. This badikia is carried out until the morning before dawn, after that the entire series of implementation of the Prophet’s birthday is completed.
Currently, tourists can enjoy these performances and attractions during arts events. Tourists can also learn about dikia rabano with the community during training which is generally carried out at night in several jorongs in nagari canduanh koto laweh.
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