Katam Kaji is a tradition or celebration for children who have finished “reciting” in surau, MDA (Madrasah Diniyah Awwaliyah), or TPA (Qur’an Education Park). Its implementation involves all elements of society. Socio-anthropologically, this tradition was born in order to spread Islamic teachings (the command to read the Qur’an) in the midst of the religious life of its people. In addition, through this tradition, there are also efforts to instill love in the hearts of the community, especially participants who follow it to read the holy book of Muslims. Indirectly, this tradition becomes a means and medium for religious leaders in educating people to practice Islamic teachings.
When there are nephews who participate in khatam kaji, usually families who are regionalized generally take the time to return home., this khatam kaji procession is also a silahturahmi event for the community.
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