After praying the deceased core family descended into the water to wash the clothes concerned to keep away everything related to the owner (masibui). It also goes hand in hand with families who also participate in the event of muunjui (letting go of everything about the deceased before continuing the party, usually before the family’s activities are not allowed to work hard to cope with the occurrence of unwanted events. After that, everything went down to wash the body and bathe in the river simultaneously as a symbol and continue the journey back home to the grieving coconut that was also still associated with the event. The head of the tribe or the tribe in the sikabaluan will send the young to drop the young coconut five opened and then the water and the contents. The coconut fruit that has already been bullied will be placed in a container for blessing as one of the symbols of the closing of the event’s activities with the spirits of the ancestors to participate. “Konan kam sangamberi kecat simataek,simakatai patuat,sibara kalaut,kambaklek ,kecat sasarainangku” said the chief. After the blessing or measure, all families are obliged to answer the taracci in tandem and it is wajib to taste the coconut fruit that has been mixed in a container so that everything goes safely until the event is over.